As a first-generation Hispanic-Latino college graduate, I have made it a focus of mine to leverage my resources to empower underrepresented minorities in their pursuit of industry, creative, and/or academic excellence. I have served as a director for a national non-profit organization, president of Florida's largest McKnight Fellows chapter (a society of underrepresented minority PhD students), VR Director for the Social Change Festival "Changeville", and I regularly contribute towards environmental conservation initiatives, locally and abroad.
Within academia, I regularly review research articles for international conferences and journals, including The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) VR conference, Computer Human Interaction in Play (CHIPlay), The American Academy of Advertising (AAA) Conference, New Media & Society, Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology (JASIST), and others. I also assist with several Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives within the University.